Built a Mountain, One Stone at a Time

I don't know one rock from another, pretty much. But I do know the difference between a rock and Iraq. That's a frequent topic, eh? None of that today. I will say that I'd know a gneiss rock if I saw one.

The Canine American and I stroll the neighborhood looking for new and interesting places to sniff (her moreso than me). I will often enough look for clovers, rocks, deer and the fox that I haven't seen for a few months. Most rocks are totally uninteresting. These may appear uninteresting, and by themselves they probably are. I liked them for that. We became friends and they followed me home. They live on the concrete headwall beside my driveway. They seem happy. Here's what they do in their spare time. This one is one of my favorites.


Do rocks get bigger,

Roll up hills, gather others,

To become mountains?


Peace, Y'all. Stay well.


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