Egg Basket

Okemah, Oklahoma in the middle of July is hot. I’ve been to hotter places, but few of those were by choice. What the h_ck was I doing in Okemah, Oklahoma in the middle of July 2019? It was Woody Guthrie’s birthdate and I was attending WoodyFest. 

That explains why I was there, but it doesn’t explain the picture.  

I had camped in a designated area about two miles from downtown Okemah were most of the daily festival activities happened. It was a comfortable walk to the convenience store for provisions and supplies. As I was walking on “… a side road, and off the side of the side road was …” a broken basket with broken eggs. (Quoted lyrics are from Alice’s Restaurant by Arlo Guthrie.) 

So, all I have is a picture of a broken basket with broken eggs and no idea in the world how they got there. A few cars were passing by on the main road. Pedestrians were few. I saw no one around with the rest of their eggs in another basket. There weren’t any houses close by. There were no egg farms in the vicinity either. 


Eggs in one basket, 

Gathered fresh from the egg farm, 

Going to market 



Peace, Y'all!


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