Fredrick Hubbard Gwynne (07/10/1926 - 07/02/1993)

Fred Gwynne (07/10/1926 - 07/02/1993). Actor. As best as I recall, my first time seeing him was as Herman Munster. Great show to grow up with. Also, he portrayed Judge Chamberlain Haller in the movie My Cousin Vinny. Oh, but I do have a favorite. Maybe that is because the character that he plays gets to say one of the best lines Stephen King has ever written!

In the movie Pet Sematary Fred Gwynne as the character Jud Crandall says, "The soil of a man's heart is stonier. He grows what he can, and he tends it." 

I have remembered that line since the first time I heard it. I was reminded of it again today.


Plow, plant, sow and hoe.

Rain, Sol, and soil mind the rest.

Only sow what grows.



Peace, Y'all!




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