Get My Tether Reeled

Often, there is a need to get my tether reeled in a bit. That happened last night. 

Sunday, March 21, 2021: Janice Schilling, my marvelous editor, was editing. She was editing {{good}} well, like she always {{did}} does. She doesn’t let me slip. That’s what she does and she does it {{good}} well. 

She doesn’t let me slip. I take pictures. I am not a photographer. Janice is a photographer. It’s a lot like, “You don’t want a picture of that. You want the picture of that.” 

Janice asked for more pictures, until the right one was the one. I took more pictures, but I was a bit sparse with patience toward the task and toward Janice. I apologized. I also apologized to Kari. It was her aspirin bottle I kept borrowing. 

Yesterday’s Facebook post of da6d Daily Ramblin’ You Are Here looked like this screenshot. Riotous! I laughed loud. It was good for my soul. All because Janice asked for more pictures until the right one was the one. 


What I learned today. 

“Check your ‘tude. Take more pictures.” 

“Reel your tether in.”

Peace, Y'all!


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