Mirror, Mirror

Taking a picture of a camera just seems odd. It seems kind of unnatural. Having a camera taking a picture of itself, taking a picture of itself is impossible without a mirror, and then the picture is backwards. Digitally reversing the backwards image is an option. That might be the only way to do this. I’m going to give it a try. 

I took a picture of my Canon 80D (I call it my A.D.D. camera.) with the Canon 80D in front of the bathroom mirror. There’s a green board hanging from the towel bar for the background. Then I reversed the image. I used chromakey to get rid of the green board. I used the same camera to take a picture of Kari’s beautiful petunias. 

I’m sure there was a point to that, but I don’t remember what it was. Maybe it was just a practice shot to tweak my software a bit. Everything in the picture was taken by the camera in the picture. I was hoping that would have created a time warp or something. I'll keep trying. 

Self Selfie 

Mirror Images 

Images in the mirror 

Images mirrored

Peace, Y'all!


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