Sunday Afternoon

10:00am Sunday morning without Charles Kuralt. Who remembers Charles Kuralt? It is a dreary morning, cloudy, with a misty rain. It reminds me of German weather: Winter and the Fourth of July. The afternoon promises to be sunny and warmer. I hope the fish know that. (The Germans don't have a Fourth of July.)

3:30pm Sunday afternoon, the fish knew. I found a beautiful section of Linville River. I caught four rainbow trout and one brown trout. I gave them a stern talking to about taking tied flies from strangers, then I set them free. We’re not strangers anymore. I hope to see them again. 

6:00pm Sunday evening, I had caught two more rainbow trout from a hatchery supported creek closer to home. One got the stern talking to. The other came home with me. 

Charles Kuralt hosted a segment, “On the Road” on the CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite. In twenty-five years, he wore out six RV homes. Later he hosted CBS News Sunday Morning with Charles Kuralt, 15 years. 

The picture is a metal sculpture of Sol (the Sun). It always reminded me of the Sun on CBS News Sunday Morning with Charles Kuralt. This one has a house permanently affixed to it.


Sunday afternoon

Time well spent, time wasted well

Solitude's healings

Peace, Y'all!
