Wo Ist Der Bahnhof?

Wo Ist Der Bahnhof? 

Don’t ask me what that means. You don’t have to because I’m going to tell you. It’s German for “Where is the train station?” I used that phrase a lot when I was in Germany. I was fortunate to have found or caused no serious trouble during those years. 

I would venture out away from the military towns where I was stationed, alone or with a few Friends. Hiking, rock climbing, fishing, all sorts of stuff. One thing I did learn while in Germany is that they can make beer a lot faster than we could drink it. That took a while to figure out. 

Back to that train station, eh? 

Wherever I had gone, the best way home was the train. There were some interesting adventures. Yeah, I might share some of those stories. Have I mentioned how fast they can make beer over there? 

Straight up serious, I do have a reoccurring dream where I’m lost somewhere in the West German Rail System. Since I brought it up…we’ll see what fills my head tonight. I really do like trains.


Noch eine bier, bitte! 

Ja, ich brauche ein taxi.            

Wo ist der bahnhof? 



Another beer, please! 

Yes, I do need a taxi. 

Where’s the train station? 



Peace, Y’all!


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