Boar Wire®

Yesterday, I was looking for pictures of baby bunnies. I didn’t find any, bunnies or pictures. It’s a good plan to have a picture or at least have a picture in mind before starting to write. This is a rule that I break often enough, but that’s how I start. 

Construction Junction has evolved into something that looks like a stage, eh? What do You think of that? Progress. The best thing I can do is stay out of the way. I did that yesterday. Doug, Ocean, and Bob get all kinds of things done when I’m not in the way. Steps. That’s how steps get built. 

Sometimes there are pictures, like today. Now all that is left to do is say something about Boar Wire® and try to find some humor to spread around. 

We have a couple of sections of Boar Wire® in place between the posts. Pretty cool, eh? 4” squares firmly secured. It’s a safety thing to keep anyone from falling under the rail and over the edge of the deck. That usually isn’t a problem around here, but you can’t be too careful. Really, I think the idea is to keep children safe. It’s a good plan. Whoever came up with this deserves extra sprinkles on their ice cream. Scoop There It Is! 


Babies on Big Wheels® 

Crashing through the gates. 

Any boars around?


Peace, Y'all!


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