Construction Junction

The best I can figure, it takes at least five guys to change a lightbulb. The biggest question is, “Change?” 

Micaville Music is building a deck/stage. 

There is a saying about judging the quality of a carpenter’s work by how well he fixes his mistakes. Between design, redesign, design-by-committee, let’s move this, hey, I’ve got an idea, let’s move that, oh wait, not that far, and let’s move something else, I messed up. Just a little bit. Now we’re fixed and back on track. Footers are poured, the framing has started, and maybe right soon, we’ll set a few posts.  

Friday, barring rain, the framing will be finished. From there, a crew of two or a few can build steps. Plans call for two sets of steps. A few folks can secure the decking boards. There are rails and goat wire framing to fabricate to be ready to place once the deck boards are down. 

Micaville Music is fortunate to have such a group of Friends volunteering to help with this project. There is still a lot to do, and we’ll find a place for everyone who wants to help. Funding for this project has been entirely by donation. There is still opportunity to participate there also.  

Click here: Kokopelli’s Daughters has organized the GoFundMe. 

The next big day ought to be Saturday, barring rain. We will see what happens between now and then. 


Kokopelli’s Daughters, 

Micaville Music, and Friends. 

“Construction Junction.”

Peace, Y'all!


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