Don't Get Your Hackles Up

Time doesn’t change, clocks do. We make this change, then believe the lie that we’ve told our clocks to tell us. We accept this as truth for the next eight months. I think it’s all a bit silly, but nothing to get my hackles up about. 

What? Nothing to get your hackles up about? get (one's) hackles up. To become or cause to become angry, hostile, defensive, or irritable. 

Have you ever noticed a dog or cat get riled up about something and their hair behind their neck stands up? That is getting your hackles raised. 

I ordered some hackles for fly tying. They came in the mail yesterday (see the picture). These are from specially bred chickens that provide long hackle feathers used for tying fishing flies. There are four half capes in the package. I expect it will be a while before I need any more. 


With hook and hackle, 

Feather and fur, I’m fishing 

From behind my desk. 

Peace, Y’all! 


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