I'm a Fun Guy

I have not found much yet that I won’t write about. I have never pontificated on the pompatus of love, or why we park in the driveway and drive on the parkway. Gee, I haven’t. Yet. 

Tonight, I was making a list. A list of gory words to use with whatever was on my mind a few moments ago. Whatever that was.  

Anyway, “ablaze, burned, charred, dead, eroding, fungal,…” I stopped. Fun gal isn’t a gory word. Fun gal sounds right dandy if you ask me! Fun guy sounds right dandy too! Funny thing was that fun guy and fungi sound the same. Fungal and fun gal are spelled the same. 

*Note: You are probably reading this. If not, someone is reading it to you. If that is the case, please make sure they noted the difference in spelling fungi and fun guy, fun gal, all that crap.

I hope the “Library” never becomes just a word in the dictionary. 


Words whirled within walls 

Plot escape. Booked. Bound and Shelved. 

Libraries’ lights dim.  


Peace, Y’all! 


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