BlueBird Cafe

Nashville, TN is home to the BlueBird Cafe. The BlueBIrd Cafe is a place where icons of music have come to perform on this honored stage.

On Monday's the BlueBird Cafe and Barbara Cloyd host an Open Mic. To get in,11:00am is the time to start dialing, trying to call in and hope to secure one of 25 performance slots. Hundreds, maybe more, people are calling trying to get through. I have been fortunate to have gotten through a few times. It is always an honor. Always. I get there with my A-game, nothing less.  I still feel that way. 

A couple of years ago, I had a spot to perform. The place was totally full with a score or more of people at the door waiting to come in and listen. Of the twenty-five performers that night, only one had a song about her beer coozie. It makes ya wonder...

"My cute, coot, coozie."
Is this the best I can do?
The BlueBird Cafe.

Be well, Y'all! <3


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