Peanut Butter Hoarders

What a beautiful rainy day. Construction Junction activity has stopped for the day. There’s not much left except clean-up and attending to a few details. I am glad for the day off. It’s a rehearsal day for me. 

I heard today about people storing gasoline in plastic bags right next to that hoarded toilet paper from last year. X! people. Create a problem by being the biggest part of the problem. Stupid doesn’t know rock bottom. 

There is an anticipated electricity shortage. Households are encouraged to turn all their lights on and leave them on. When we do run out of electricity, we will have used more than our share. Won’t it feel great? 

Hoarding Gas in Plastic Bags Snopes Link

WWBSD?  What Would a Boy Scout Do? Be Prepared. Did you think the "BS" stood for something else? Maybe so.

What scares me are the peanut butter hoarders. That’s a reason to panic. I already have seven 55-gallon drums of peanut butter, thirty-six loaves of bread, eleven dozen jars of jelly, and a small Sprite®. I’m ready! 


PB&J Sprite® 

In Case of Apocalypse

Gasoline in bags



Peace, Y'all!


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