Budding Holly

Is there such a thing as a budding holly? Buddy Holly? Doesn’t matter, I thought this was lovely. Photos are the best way of sharing; better than cutting and putting them in a vase.  

I think I am doing well to identify this as a holly bush. Other than that, I could not tell you the type of holly it is. There are several large holly trees nearby, so my guess is that it came from one of those.  

My days as a Professional Land Surveyor ended about a decade ago. Tree identification was an important part of the job. If I didn't know the name of a tree, I called it a Balm of Gilead. I had no idea such a tree really existed.  

I was surveying a parcel of land near a sawmill on Cane Creek in Mitchell County. The deed for the subject property called for a Balm of Gilead tree as a property corner. I searched diligently but found no tree of any kind in the area where the property corner was supposed to be. That became my “wild goose” tree. The Balm of Gilead, also known as a Balsam Poplar. I know more now than I did back then.  

Balm of Gilead/Balsam Poplar


Dendrology class  

Balm of Gilead: A real  

Balsam Poplar tree 


Peace, Y'all!


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