Do You Have the Time? 

Do you ever look at a clock because you want to know what time it is? It’s one of those things that humans do. 

If you’d really like to know what time it is, call the U.S. Naval Observatory Master Clock Time Voice Announcer, Colorado Springs, Colorado: (719) 567-6742. 

You’ll notice a difference of four hours forward for Universal Time and two hours backwards for Mountain Standard Time. There’s also another Master Clock at the U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington, DC. That’s where the Vice-President lives. 

If you want to know how impatient someone might be over their microwave burrito supreme, look at the clock on the microwave, 0:17 seconds. Seriously, these are not like cell phone minutes that disappear if you don’t use them. These are valuable microwave seconds that someone thoughtfully left for you to use. Use them. 

Have you ever wondered where that hour for Daylight Savings Time comes from? It’s those unused microwave seconds that float up into the ionosphere, accumulate with other unused microwave seconds and minutes, and come back as Daylight Savings Time. 

Spring and Summer have more daylight hours than Winter. This is because the Earth is tilted on its axis toward the Sun, not because we force clocks to lie to us for a few months. Daylight Savings Time begins 02:00 am, March 14th, 2021. Change that to 03:00 am, then 330 million people will adjust their lives accordingly.   

If anyone cares, I think the whole concept is a bunch of crap, and the only way to stop it is to use those microwave seconds. 

Do you have the time? 

I need to borrow an hour,

At least until Fall.

Peace, Y'all!


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