Friends Gather 

Close your eyes. No, never mind, don’t close your eyes. Look at the picture, imagine, envision an outdoor stage, live performances, and lawn seating. Picture dancing, children with balloons, Norman Rockwell with his paints and brushes. That’s a bit much, eh? We couldn’t afford Norman Rockwell, and besides, he’s unavailable. 

Segue is the word I want to use here because I rarely get to use it.  

Norman Rockwell is dead, but Micaville Music isn’t. Micaville Music lives in the hearts of everyone who has been a part of it. (Nice segue, eh?) Now here’s where Kari Weaver, One of a Kind Art Gallery, Micaville Music, and a few friends have a big plan, and of course, want you to be a part of it.                 

Special online events like BobFest, Political Songs Virtual Open Mic, WinterFest and a continuous flow of videos on the Micaville Music Facebook Page have kept us together virtually during Covid-19.  And the 60's American Music event is coming up next Thursday, February 3rd. Join us for that.

Well, come Spring, yes, come Spring, let’s gather again! I’ll share more news as things develop. ***UPDATE*** Here's the link!


Micaville Music 

Friends gather ‘round, songs abound 

Community grows. 


Peace, Y’all 


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