What's Under Your Toque?

How do you keep from losing your head? I keep mine under a toque most of the time (not a chef’s hat.) 

Toque, toboggan, skull cap, all the same thing if you ask a Canadian. Who else would wear one year-round? I’ve got a lot underneath mine. I’m not talking about hair, ‘cause I gave up most of that a year ago. It’s sneaking back, tho’. 

With no hair, my ears make me look like a ’67 Volkswagen with both doors open. There’s a large storage area behind my ears. There I keep my hearing aids, glasses, and mask ties. There’s a lot of room back there, but things don’t stay in place. Well, they do now. 

How did Canada get its name? 

There were a bunch of old guys sitting around Parliament while wearing wigs, trying to decide what to name the vast new county. The idea they decided on was to put all the letters of the alphabet into a hat and have each member take out a letter. 

The first member reaches into the hat, pulls out a letter and reads it. The next member reaches into the hat, pulls out a letter and reads it. The third member reaches into the hat, pulls out a letter and reads it. This was a complicated process. 

First letter, “C, eh?” 

Next letter, “N, eh?” Now what? 

Third letter, “D, eh?” 

Peace, Y’all, 


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